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Terms & Conditions

Booking essential as places are limited.

Participants under 16 yrs must have written parental consent. 

Participants must not be intoxicated by alcohol or any other substance 

No jewellery, rings/piercings that cannot be removed must be covered with tape it is your responsibility to do this prior to class. 

Health questionnaires consent forms & disclaimers must be completed prior to joining any changes to personnel details must be disclosed  as an when. 

Kids classes: Children age 7 and under must have a parent/ guardian remain with them for class and assist where needed.



Cancellation Policy 
24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel a class. Changes must be made via the online booking system.  After this time no refunds or transfers. 

Please do not come to class if you are feeling unwell to avoid the spread of any infectious illnesses to others.

Missed lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Pole Affinity reserves the right to make changes to the timetable or cancel classes at any time & without prior notice this may be due to unforeseen circumstances, or if minimum class numbers of at least 3 people are not met by 12 midday. Please try to book your classes prior to 12 midday to avoid class cancellations.

If your class is cancelled, we will try to  give you at least 2 hours’ notice & we will transfer /or re-credit your class for you. 


Monthly subscriptions are re-occurring payments and can be cancelled at anytime by going to your account settings. They are non-refundable, and non-transferable, for individual use only.
Class credits in the monthly subscriptions plans are valid for one month only & attendance is expected, lessons cannot be carried over to next month. PAYG options available if you do not wish to take out  monthly subscription.

Subscriptions may be frozen under special circumstances only,  it is advisable to  cancel your subscription and buy a new one when you are ready to re-start .

Subscriptions may be frozen for up to 6 months maximum after which time they will be cancelled.


Instructor holidays/ Studio Closure:    
We are closed bank holidays and during the Christmas / New year period. 

 If a class is cancelled due to instructor illness/absence your class will be credited or transferred. 
Class may be covered by  different instructors.

If the studio is completely closed for over 7 days due to instructor illness or holidays, payment plans will be frozen, to make up for lost time.


50% Deposit payable one month in advance (non-refundable) 
Remainder 50% amount payable on the day. 



To avoid late disruption to class, please arrive in time so you are ready to start on time, the studio will be open 5-10 minutes prior to start of class. Please wait in the stair well until previous class exits or you are called in. 

The studio door will be locked for security during classes.

If you are late for class you may be refused entry or asked to complete your own warm-up before joining.  

The warm-up is an important part of the class to avoid injury.   


Inappropriate behaviour 

 We reserve the right to refuse entry to our studio and classes if there is inappropriate behaviour by a guest or member. This could be but not exclusive to under the influence of alcohol or drugs, inappropriate language, shouting or aggressive behaviour. 


Health Screening: 

 You are advised not to attend any lessons if you are unwell, or if you are aware of any injury/illness and other conditions which may affect your participation, and if doing so attend the lesson at your own risk. 


We also ask that you are in general good health at the time of the lesson and have eaten recently that day, also drink plenty of fluids. 


Physical contact may be necessary by the instructor for your own safety; if you are unsure about this or any element of the class you can speak to the instructor about this before or during the lesson. 

You will be required to fill out a consent/ disclaimer form and health questionnaire before the session, You must keep the instructor informed of any changes to your physical health that may affect your physical activity  and ability to participate.  


All details are kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act.  

©2020 by Pole Affinity. Proudly created with

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